Sunday, December 10, 2017

Bryceton Von

Name: Bryceton Von
Nickname: Bryce
Species: Witch-Wolf
Home World: Asmiara
Home Land: Asmia
Accent sounds like: Portuguese
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Height: 6'4"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue


Born towards the end of the dark age, Bryceton was the unwanted son between a wolf and a witch. The idea of his existence was not undesired. Both parties had agreed to come together in order to produce a child. It was just the child was not what the wolf had hoped for. She had wanted a child that was a perfect blending between wolf and witch. Bryce, however, was too much witch. In fact, if one didn't know whom his mother was they would think that he was completely witch. There appeared to be no traces of the wolf inside of him.

His mother displeased with this fact attempted to kill him, and might have continued her efforts until she succeeded if his father hadn't told her that he would take the infant off her hand, so; she can go off and have another child with a different witch. He already had his heir, but he believed that he could use Bryce for his personal gain. From an early age, he begun to mold Bryce to be completely and utterly loyal towards him. He made no secret of whom or what his mother was nor did he hide what his mother tried to do to Bryce. In fact, he played that fact up by telling Bryce that he owes him his complete devotion for saving his life.

Bryce's father faced his own disappointed with his son for awhile. It appeared at first that while he leaned completely towards his witch side that he had been born with little to no magic, and to make matters worse he had been born without the valve that all witches have. This meant that his already lacking usefulness towards his father's desire  decreased even more, but he decided to sell Bryce to the humans of Erendalle instead of killing him. However, he quickly changed his mind when a high ranking powered by the name of Kyson Karovska revealed that his son was not as useless as he originally thought.

Bryce had no valve because he was not connected to light's magic. Instead, his magic was connected to the void and darkness himself. There were several explanation for this. One being that he was the offspring of one of the denizens of the void. Another was that his soul was one of the denizens of the void. The final reason that Kyson gave was that he was the darkness's high priest. It seemed to his father that the last explanation was the most logical. A fact that filled him with the utmost joy. He imagined all the things he could achieve with the darkness's high priest underneath his control.

His connection to the void was not the only thing revealed about Bryce's ability that day. It was also revealed that his was a telepath. Just like with his connection to the void, his father saw this as a great opportunity. What secrets could he pluck from people's mind? How he could twist the minds of others to think, feel, believe, or even do what he want? After reading all the things an extremely talented telepath could do he set out to make his son into one. Bryce was forced to endure endless amount of torture in order to develop and grow his telepathic powers. 

It worked. Bryce's abilities grew in such a way that was very desirable to his father, but at a great cost. It broke his mind. Drove him insane some would say. His father never allowed him any rest from the assault of the minds of others. Day in and day out he was being bombarded by thoughts of others. Insanity is a common fate for a telepath who doesn't learn how to shield himself from the thoughts of others, but his father didn't care about Bryce's mental state. He was only interested in molding Bryce into a tool he could use however he saw fit.

However, his father didn't know that someone came and taught Bryce how to shield himself from the thoughts of others in secret. This person was Kyson--the very same man that revealed the truth about Bryceton. He came to Bryce in secret in order to teach him this, and gained his loyalty in the manner that his father wished for. Bryce saw his father as the cause of his pain while he viewed Kyson as his savior--the one whom put an end to his suffering. It is for this reason that whenever Kyson asks for Bryce's help that he doesn't hesitate to give it to him. 

The poor treatment that Bryce received from his father made him disillusioned by witch society. He thought it was damaged, broken, corrupt, a cancer that needed to be removed before it consumed the entire world. It appeared that he wasn't the only one that shared this sentiment. A young witch by the name of Astrea decided to so something about it. She was only sixteen years old when she ascended to the throne by beheading the entire  council of six---including her own father. She did not believe that witch society was as far gone as Bryce did, but she believed that it had a cancer within it that needed to be removed. With the help of a witch named Kyrell Giese and her clan's own patron god Sindri Morgan, she set out to fix what was broken about her society.

Not every witch welcomed these changes that Astrea wanted to bring to their society. In fact, a great many of them protested against it. It didn't take long for a war to break out among the people. Bryce's father was among those that wished to keep witch society the way it was. However, much to the horrors of those that stood against her, Astrea was slowly winning the war. It was within this moment that Bryceton suggested that they assassinated Astrea. He did not suggest it aloud. No, he planted the idea inside his father head. While he did not tell his father to kill Astrea's unborn child along with her, Bryceton felt no guilt over the child's death. It was just a means to an end. Beside, this child was not the only one that died during the course of the war.

Bryce, however, did not feed these idea into his father's mind to put an end to the war, but rather to put an end to him. He knew just how Kyrell would react to the death of his lover, and Bryce had to admit that he was glad his father didn't spare the child because that only increased Kyrell's desire for revenge. The other witch killed all those that he believed were responsible for Astrea's death--including Bryce's father. This was just what Bryce wanted. His hundredth birthday was fast approaching, and he knew that if he didn't eliminate his father that he would never be free of his father's control.

His father made the other witches believe that Bryce had been born human. While he had magic inside of him, he didn't possess the ability to control it. This conclusion made him ineligible to take the leadership test that is necessary for a witch to be considered an adult among the clans. Bryce knew that if he didn't manage to convince the elders to allow him to take this test before his hundredth birthday that he would never be allowed to, and thus he would remain forever underneath the control of his clan. After, his father's death he took the test by convincing the elder that his father had changed their perception to make them believe that he did not possess the necessary equipment to take the leadership test or the specialty test.

Bryce took both test. His specialty was declared to be darkness manipulation. Through, he did not allow them to realize the extent of that power nor that the darkness he had control over were the darkness of the void instead of the one found within the dominion of their goddess Aine. He also didn't allow them to know that he was a telepath. He believed that if they knew about any of these that they would try to gain control over him, and that was the last thing that he wanted. He passed his leadership test and became head of the Von clan after removing his father's previous heir. He didn't kill his sister, but instead convinced her that she wanted to live in quiet contemplation in the service of Aine.

He ruled his clan for many years, but than she was born. Catalina---his other half. She was born one of two. She had a twin sister by the name of Dahlia. While everyone else adored Dahlia, he hated her. He believed that it was her fault that everyone judge Catalina so harshly. If she had not been born his Catalina would not have to suffer feeling of inadequacy for not comparing to her sister. In fact, if Dahlia hadn't been born everyone would have seen just how remarkable his Catalina was. He took Catalina underneath his wings before he feel in love with her. He knew upon meeting her what her specialty was. She was a telepath just like he was, and he sought to help her learn to control her power.

He did teach her how to control them, but just as his father drove him insane Bryce did the same to Catalina. A fact that filled him with immense amount of guilt. He corrupted his light. He believed that if he had not been born a witch that he would not have ruined her. Remembering what his father told him about his mother, and came up with the conclusion that if he had been born more wolf that he would have lived with his mother and that he wouldn't have been among the witches to have harmed Catalina. He believed that if he became wolf now that he could leave the witches and thus prevent himself from corrupting Catalina more than he already did.

He set out to find a pack, but they refused to change him. They believed that he wouldn't leave his people. Oh, they were grateful that he didn't hate them in the same manner that others of his people did. He allowed them to believe that he had a great admiration for their species and that he had been born shortly after the great war and witches that occurred after Astrea's death. However, he had no reason to give up hope or search for another pack because among this pack was his own mother---the very same woman whom had tried to kill him shortly after his birth.

She had no other children since his birth, and was desperate for another one. She agreed to change him if he agreed to get her pregnant. He wonders if she would have protested to the method he choose to achieve this goal if she knew that he was her son? She had no reason to suspect this because she believed that he had been born many years after her son. He even made her believe that her son had died at the hands of Kyrell Giese when he swept through the Von clan to kill all those responsible for the death of Astrea and her unborn child. It took him a few years, but he finally managed to get her pregnant with a child. It was a bouncy baby boy that they named Dallan. 

Bryce made it perfectly clear to Dallan's mother that their son would not be the perfect mixture of wolf and witch that she was hoping for. He would be wolf. Bryceton would not suppress his wolf nature. Any disappointment that his mother might have felt over this fact quickly disappeared when she realized that her son was the philosophized one. Those wolves that had refused were correct in their assumption that he would not be able to abandon his people. Through, it wasn't his people that he found impossible to abandon. It was Catalina. Yes, it was true he became a wolf to leave her, but after everything was said and done he couldn't leave her alone in a world of vipers. She needed as many people around her that didn't compare her to Dahlia and think she was flawed because she wasn't an exact replica of her sister.

He had several children with other witches among the clan even his wives, whom he just married because he felt like it. Some of them loved more than others, and he did adore any children born from them. He even went out and had children with those outside the clan. However, the child that made him the happiest to see born was the birth of his and Catalina's son. That joy quickly turned into fear when he realized that their son had been born with their telepathic abilities. He had known that it was a risk. Telepathic abilities were one of those few inheritable magical traits, and their child had a far greater chance at inheriting the ability than not with both of his parents possessing it. 

It had pained Bryce when he realized in his attempt to help Catalina learn how to use her ability that he had been the one to drive her insane. He didn't wish to hurt their son in the same manner, and so he decided to kill him by feeding him to his dogs. For whatever reason, he needed Catalina to believe that his reasons for killing their child was far different than what it was. He made her believe that it was because their child didn't live up to his expectations. He could have convince others that the child died in a more horrific manner by implanting the memory inside their head, but Catalina would have seen through that illusion. She might not be able to read his mind, but he is unable to manipulate her mind in the same manner that he can others.

Catalina understandably became distraught over her son's death, and her father seeing how upset his daughter was over her child's death rushed in to save his grandson, or he might have decided to save him even if Catalina hadn't been so distraught. It is hard to say. Her father's action enraged Bryce. Didn't he know that Bryce was saving his son from worse suffering down the line? He killed Catalina father before turning to her and telling her that what happens to those that stand against him.

Not long after the birth of their son, Catalina gave birth to twins--a boy and a girl. She was afraid that he would kill them for either failing to live up to his expectations or for being the child of Kyrell Giese--a man Bryce pretended to hate with every fiber of his being. However, she did not come to Bryce without a child. She came with her niece. Did she think that he would not realize the child was not hers, or did she believe that it would this fact would spare the baby's life and that she would be able to have a daughter in some manner? At first, Bryce thought that Catalina only adopted her niece because her sister had only had one child, but he quickly learned that her sister had a set of twins--a boy and girl just like Catalina. However, Dahlia managed to hide the male infant before Catalina came for her, stole her daughter from her, and locked her away in a mental ward.

He felt a mixture of feeling towards the baby girl that Catalina claimed as hers. He loved Everleigh because there was something within her that reminded him of Catalina, but at the same time he hated her because she was Dahlia's daughter. In the end, it was the hatred that won out. He hurt Everleigh in unspeakable ways and encouraged Catalina to do the same, or at least that what he convinced Everleigh to believe. He believed that if he broke Everleigh that he was in a sense breaking Dahlia and in a sense making her suffer in the exact same way that she made his Catalina suffer. 

His hold over Everleigh did not last for very long. When she was eight years old her father came for her. He did not know the full extent of what the child endured while in her 'mother's household, but he knew enough that he knew she needed to be removed. Bryceton did visit Everleigh after her father rescued her many times. His visitations stopped when his son revealed to him that he was in love with the girl. He told his son that the girl was nothing but a toy, and even gave him the secret word that would make her completely obedient towards anyone who utters it. He didn't tell his son this because it was true, but rather to save his son from future heartache when he realizes that she wouldn't be able to return his feelings. Her father was Kyrell Giese, a man whose hatred for wolves was well known.

His son ignored his words and proceeded to have a relationship with her. They ended up having a set of twins--a boy and girl. Through, Everleigh wasn't the one that ended up giving birth to the child. Bryce transferred the babies to someone else--a wolf underneath the request of Dallan's mother. She was not pleased with her son's relationship with the witch, and thought they could end if they convinced him that he had a child with a wolf. Both children were born healthy, but Bryce noticed that both infants had been born with telepathic abilities just as he had. He immediately went to kill them both. He only managed to kill his granddaughter before Catalina stole them away. 

She took off, but didn't make it far before she was stopped by Dallan's mother, whose inquired what was going on. Catalina told her that she had killed their granddaughter and was planning to do the same to their grandson. Bryce could not tell her the truth behind why he had done it, and so instead fed her story about how he only killed the female infant because she too much witch and that would ruin their entire plan of making Dallan believe that he had a child with a wolf. This explanation pleased Dallan's mother whom told him she would have done the same thing if she had been in the room. Catalina relinquished her grandson to Dallan's mother whom brought the infant to him.

Catalina, however, refused to relinquished her granddaughter. She vanished with her body, and attempted to bring her back from the dead. Her attempts failed and she ended up having to lock her granddaughter inside the sewer. About a year after the birth of his grandchildren, Bryce ended up finding  his death at the hand of Kyrell Giese during his own ascent to the throne. His death, however, wasn't unwanted. He decided to push Kyrell to kill him in that moment because Kyson had asked him to help him with his plans, and Bryce needed to disappear from witch society in order to carry this plan through. The quickest and most effective way to do this is to die. No one goes looking for the dead, after all.

Just before Kyrell beheaded him, Bryceton transferred himself into the body of another witch that was in the within the room at the time. He used that body to take himself to Erendalle where he jumped into the body that Kyson had prepared especially for him. It was a mundane that Kyson had given the vir in order to rid the body of its inhabitant without causing any damage to the body. Bryce had nothing to fear from the vir. One he had the necessary willpower to control it, and two the vir and the primordial darkness of the void were pretty much one in the same.

Since his death at the hand of Kyrell, Bryceton has been living among the people of Erendalle. They do not realize that he is a witch. They believe that he is a powered, and a high ranking one, at that. He can make the Vir markings disappear whenever he wishes, but within Erendalle he allows them to be on display. This helps cement the idea that he is what he pretends to be. He uses his rank within Erendalle and power to help Kyson achieve his goal. Slowly, bit by bit they gathered the necessary pieces to start their coup. First, it will be Erendalle than the rest of the world.

Kyson even managed to convince his son Iejiel to join in their plans. It seemed that Iejiel wasn't the only one that they managed to convince to help them. There are several others. Most don't realize the extent of what is being planned, but one of the people is Everleigh. Through, one might argue that her agreement was rather reluctantly and she might not have found herself in the position to having to agree if it wasn't for the fact that she had came to Erendalle to find those that had attempted to kidnap her nephew.

This was not surprising. Even if she bore the Paxton name, Everleigh was a Giese and the Giese motto was family first. The real question wasn't whether or not one would eventually come to Erendalle, but which one would arrive there first. It appeared to be Everleigh. The woman whom Iejiel plans to marry and make his queen. Whether this come to pass or not, Bryceton does not know. What he does know, however, is that Everleigh's and his paths will cross and that reunion should be very interesting.

He was right the reunion with Everleigh was a interesting one, but it seems she have forgiven him for the things he had done. She even agreed to take on the role of his mother if he decides to regress to an younger age. However, her biggest act of forgiveness and acceptance of him came when she decided to make him genetically one of her fathers. Yes, there is a part of him that believes she had made a mistake and she will soon realize this, but the fact she regards him as a father means more to him than he could ever say. It was, also, her that helped push him closer to an assassin and counterpart to the darkness by the name of Amelie Zagurian. Through, he does still enjoy tormenting his assassin it is not done in the same antagonizing manner it was before.

Face Portrayed By: Gaspard Ulliel